24 August 2023

GLOW: Desert Pollen

Season 3, Episode 3
Date of release: August 9, 2019 (Netflix)

written by: Rachel Shukert
directed by: Jesse Peretz

I think the genre of this streaming television show has just changed. What was still a comedy-drama during its first two seasons has now fully transformed itself into a full-blown drama, in which the characters deal with more problems they can handle, while the original premise of this show is not being celebrated with scenes that could bring some enjoyment to the audience. GLOW may have been dramatic already during its first 20 episodes, but that drama, sometimes even dark and deep drama, was regularly overshadowed by the joy that was the wrestling sequences and the storytelling Ruth came up with on the spot to make her in-show character work. But now that the characters are in Las Vegas, the wrestlers stopped dealing with the hectic elements of their six-day-a-week show and they started to focus on their individual lives instead, which happened to be filled with all the cliches dark and deep character dramas have to offer. Maybe it is a sign of the women losing control of themselves while trying to keep it up on the stage, or maybe it is a sign that the writers were not particularly interested in wrestling any longer and decided to take the show into the more brutal regions of the character drama genre.

Rhonda had her migraine in the previous episode, making me think how far she is to become terminally ill. This episode took a few more steps toward illnesses the characters are going to deal with, as Tamme made the viewers aware of her back problems, Sam has difficulties getting fresh air in this desert heat of Nevada while trying to light a smoke, and after she had an episode-long problem with cocaine in the previous episode, Debbie decided to upgrade her health issues to bulimia, because there is nothing more varied than letting the characters have all the diseases, illnesses, and pain in the same TV show. I guess this is somewhat realistic, considering the demanding tasks the women have to execute night after night, which could not only screw up their morale and psyche, but could also lead them to varied versions of addiction (pain medication, alcohol, cigarettes, or some of the white powder, partying, sex, eating, and vomiting), with all of those having found a spot in this season of GLOW. And while such a premise would make for a great television drama, I am still not sure whether I want to see that in the show. Now that the series has not gotten into a wrestling move for the third episode in a row, should I just move over to WWE events instead and get my wrestling fix that way? But I do not want to support Vince McMahon’s business. The guy is an asshole for the way he treats his athletes during and after their careers.


Melrose is not happy about how the sex ended.

Debbie’s first instance of bulimia came out of nowhere. She gets criticized about her body for the first time, and all while she is probably thinking about just quitting the show and getting back home to her ex-husband and her toddler son, she was conveniently dropped into a whole different plot. This may be the beginning of Debbie joining the darker corners of the entertainment business, because she may have a few mental problems here and there that may or may not be a result of postpartum depression, as she always seemed very hyped up over things that have to do with Mark or her son. I guess that is where her character arc would ultimately end up, and GLOW is about to turn into another television comedy-drama dealing with a mental illness, but the first bout of bulimia really did come over as an unexpected shock, and for me even with a bit of disgust for the character in general. 

Debbie was trying too hard to not please the men in her life (is that not why she forced herself to become a producer?), but after one episode of criticism about her body, she wants to please those men again by getting rid of those pounds in her boobs and ass? I do not know if it was in character or completely out of character. Besides that, I felt uncomfortable during her episode-closing smile in the mirror, but here I am, thinking that it was a reaction the viewers were manipulated into experiencing.

Meanwhile, Tamme made us aware of her back problems, which could end up being a real problem for her when she gets carried out of the ring via a stretcher, ruining her best and last chance at making a career this “late” in her life. I did however love that she was taking acting classes, essentially looking for a way out of the wrestling show (most likely due to her health). Tamme may have realized already that she cannot get thrown out of the ring for much longer, so she takes the time in Vegas to work on her post-wrestling career, which is a great story for her (or any other character chosen for that premise). One can only hope though that her health is not conflicting with Rhonda’s health and the writers were suddenly dealing with the same idea for two characters – except of course the characters were supposed to get physically (and emotionally) damaged during their stay in Vegas. Those who cannot get damaged get ill, because they keep themselves fit and healthy and will deal with an emotional fallout, while the rest gets physically injured. I see a theme in this season and it might excuse the fact that there is no wrestling in this show right now.

Melrose may be dealing with a few different things than mental health or physical issues, as she might go up against whatever pimp is running the business in casinos. Who knows, maybe Paul will turn into Melrose’s boyfriend or friend with benefit for the two months she remains in town, but maybe Paul will cause trouble for Melrose because she did not pay the man for his services or maybe found a liking to the notion that she can make a little more money on the side by being a fake hooker. Danger, Melanie Rose! Especially when it is revealed that the sex business in Vegas is run by the mob. Then it is even more dangerous.


They are having some burgers, that must mean they are best friends again.

The rest of the episode was okay. There were probably a few too many nude scenes in this episode, but I guess the producers wanted to test out what Netflix would continue to allow and where they would draw the line. I would have drawn it during Ruth’s showgirls number, because that scene seemed to have been added without a particular goal. Except of course it was the episode’s intention to make sure that the viewers see how Debbie finds amusement in Ruth’s behavior, signaling the return of their friendship. 

Cherry’s story seemed okay at first, but in retrospect, it was just a story that could break her away from Keith, as she needs a story that has nothing to do with various illnesses, so a heartbreak it is. The premise of choosing a career over family is a great one though, and it is one GLOW has not directly attacked yet. Debbie could have been placed in the story, but she is in limbo right now, craving to be close to her son, but also wanting to develop her career.